Our Digital Leaders
Our Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology, who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout our school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity for the children to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.
Meet the Team
After completing an initial application form and attending an interview, we have chosen 6 Digital Leaders across Year 5 and 6.
Digi the Digital Leader Mascot.
The Digital Leaders created their own mascot who offers advice about staying safe online.
As a Digital Leader, some of the responsibilities of the role are:
- Support the use of iPads and Chromebooks in school to enhance learning.
- Share your skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
- Be responsible for taking the photographs of our Star of the Week children and updating our school display board.
- Update and monitor areas of the school website including an e-safety page.
- Feed into whole school decisions about future development of technology.
- Have a good understanding of how to stay safe with technology and share that with others.
- Attend occasional staff meetings to train staff.
Digi News
The Digital Leaders have started to produce their own digital newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading each edition.
Anti-Bullying Week 14th November 2022
To launch anti-bullying week in school, the Digital Leaders have created a video to represent bullying in its different forms. During our assembly, all the children had the chance to watch the video and consider who we reach out to if we are worried about ourselves, or somebody else in our school.
Safer Internet Day
As part of Safer Internet Day (8th February 2022), the Digital Leaders created an E-Safety advice video. The team scripted, edited, filmed and created animations as part of the video.