St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Behaviour in Our School

We are very proud of the excellent behaviour our pupils display at school, every day. They have a good understanding of the expectations which are underpinned by the example that Jesus Christ has given us and the virtues to live by, aspiring to be the very best version of our selves every day. 


We live, love, learn and grow in the Light of Christ

 We live the Gospel, love like Jesus, learn the Bible as we grow 

together in faith. 

 We do all this illuminated in the Light of Christ.


Our vision is that everyone will leave St Patrick’s with a sense of belonging to the family of God; through the developing of relationships with Christ and with each other. We know that the light of Christ will guide and support us all through the next step in our journeys so that we can confidently be all that God wants us to be both academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.



Good behaviour is essential for effective teaching and learning. Good order and discipline produce an atmosphere that encourages pupils to respond to it in a positive and responsible manner thus developing their self-discipline. The emphasis is on mutual respect and consideration for others. Rules are kept to a minimum, but high standards of behaviour and punctuality are expected. The adults in the school community need to be mutually supportive to sustain high levels of behaviour and discipline. No unacceptable behaviour should be ignored.

“The behaviour of the pupils is excellent. A lot of good modelling takes place – the staff providing good role models for all pupils and the older pupils providing good role models for younger pupils.” Section 48 Inspection June 2018


 “Pupils are clearly highly committed to and enthusiastic about their school. One child said that the best thing about school was the way that, ‘teachers are gentle and kind and they encourage you to be a better person.’” Section 48 Inspection June 2018

"Pupils have a keen sense of responsibility towards others" Section 48 Inspection June 2018


Our Aims

We ask all members of the school community to work towards the school's aims of:


  • treating pupils as individuals and respecting their rights, values and beliefs;
  • encouraging mutual respect between pupils and adults;
  • fostering and promoting good relationships and a sense of belonging to the school community;
  • providing a well ordered environment in which all are fully aware of behavioural expectations;
  • offering equal opportunities in all aspects of school life and recognising the importance of different cultures;
  • encouraging, praising and positively reinforcing good relationships, behaviours and work;
  • working as a team, supporting and encouraging one


Ethos of our school

We offer a school community that encourages the development of mutual respect and tolerance within a happy, hardworking atmosphere.


Our fundamental principles:

  • to provide a challenging and stimulating programme of study designed to enable all pupils to reach the highest standards of personal achievement;
  • that staff are good role models;
  • there is a consistent, agreed approach to behaviour and discipline;
  • a clear set of behaviour expectations (see document below)is accepted and understood;
  • a clear code of conduct for all staff and visitors in school;
  • that pupils are encouraged to attend school regularly and punctually;
  • there is a partnership between home and school which ensures that there is early contact over matters which affect a pupil's happiness, progress and behaviour;
  • that pupils accept and conform to the uniform.


Our Curriculum

Pupils have a range of talents, skills and needs and the curriculum we offer provides an educational experience that develops the intellectual, academic, expressive, physical, spiritual, cultural and social skills of pupils of all abilities. The curriculum is intended to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.


This curriculum will encourage achievement and develop caring and positive attitudes and will extend pupils’ knowledge of themselves and of the world in which they live. We intend that pupils will develop tolerance, sensitivity and understanding, and respect for the rights, views and property of others.



Relationships in school

We recognise the importance of the friendly, professional attitude and approach shown by all members of staff to each other and to the pupils, parents and visitors. This creates the climate for good behaviour that can be reinforced by:


  • using language which sustains a positive, supportive and secure environment;
  • noticing and being interested in other pupils' and staff work around school;
  • setting high standards of speech, manners and dress;
  • offering praise and thanks to pupils for courteous behaviour;
  • encouraging pupils to accept increasing responsibilities;
  • being firm, fair and consistent;
  • listening sympathetically;
  • working collaboratively;


We seek to offer pupils the opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility and consideration to others. One way of achieving this is by asking our Year 6 pupils to be buddies with the younger Reception pupils throughout their first year at school. We call it the "Seeds and Gardeners". We feel the words of this song "Count on me" by Bruno Mars, are very moving and express the care we know our Year 6 pupils will show their buddy across the year. Have a listen and see if you can sing along:


If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah
If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
Beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will
Remind you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three

We ask parents to:


  • ensure that their children attend school in good health, regularly and punctually, avoiding term time holidays,
  • provide support for the discipline within the school and for the teacher's role,
  • be realistic about their children's abilities and to offer encouragement and praise,
  • participate in discussions concerning their child's progress and attainments,
  • ensure early contact with school to discuss matters which affect a child's happiness, progress and behaviour,
  • give due importance to homework such as hearing reading, assisting in learning of tables and spellings,
  • allow their children to take increasing responsibilities as they progress through the school, encourage their children to take part in after school activities by supporting their


We ask all members of St Patrick's family:


Our Rewards

We seek to celebrate good behaviour, excellence, high achievement and effort through a series of rewards. We try to ensure that every pupil receives recognition through rewards during the year. We believe that high expectations, and the use of rewards, offers pupils a clear sense of purpose and the opportunity for success. It enables them to gain confidence, interest, enjoyment and a real sense of personal worth. We use clear language so that pupils understand why they are being praised.


Rewards can be any of the following:

  • an encouraging smile, an approving word or a gesture;
  • the award of a dojo;
  • the award of a motivational sticker;
  • public recognition in front of the group or class;
  • recognition by another teacher;
  • recognition by the Head Teacher and a motivational sticker;
  • recognition by display;
  • recognition by receiving a merit certificate in Celebration assembly;
  • recognition by receiving the “Star of the Week” certificate in Celebration assembly;
  • recognition of the termly dojo award with a visit to a book shop to choose a book where possible; 
  • recognition of consistency by achieving the ALWAYS badge.


Our Celebration Assembly

Every Friday morning we gather together in the hall to celebrate the great week we have had at school. We think about the new learning we have, the way we have been resilient and determined even if it has been challenging. We think about how we have been the very best versions of ourselves, ALWAYS making the best choices and thinking about others and not just ourselves. We also think about our attendance and whether we have been in school every day so that we give ourselves the very best opportunity to improve and of course enjoy our learning together.

After assembly the pupils who have been awarded the "Star of the Week" have their photo taken with their certificate by members of the Digital Leaders and this is displayed on our Star of the Week display board in the corridor until the next week.


Celebrating the Great Behaviour at St Patrick's

We have introduced an award for ALWAYS following the St Patrick's Behaviour expectations - the ALWAYS badge.

Each half term staff at St Patrick's can put pupils forward to our Headteacher for the award if they have shown that they are consistent in ALWAYS making the good choices displayed in our expectations of behaviour. It is a way of celebrating that and allowing them to have the badge to symbolise and show others that they are our role models. Hopefully inspiring others to be the very best version of themselves every day, following the great example that Jesus Christ gave us in his life.


The first pupils to achieve the ALWAYS badge were our Head Boy and Head Girl. Once awarded an ALWAYS badge the pupils wear their badge with pride each day to show they are a role model to others and their name is put on our ALWAYS behaviour display.


Our Prefects: Behaviour Ambassadors

 We have a number of Prefects in Year 6 appointed following a careful selection process. The pupils in Year 6 were given a "Role of a Prefect" document which has the job description and person specification for the role of Prefect: Behaviour Ambassadors and if they felt they could be successful in the role across Year 6 they could apply. The pupils had an application to fill in and they then had an interview with the Headteacher and Pupil Learning and Progress leader.  

Following the careful selection process we appointed our school Prefects who have a range of roles in school. Please see below the job description: