School Uniform 2024-2025
The children look tidy, purposeful and with a sense of belonging in their school uniform. It helps create the attitude of "here we are, proud to be part of the St Patrick's family and we have a task to accomplish".
We have endeavoured to arrange our uniform so that it is both economical to purchase, easy to wash and hard wearing.
Boys and Girls
Green pull-over/cardigan, or the green sweatshirt bearing the school logo.
Tailored, straight legged, charcoal grey trousers
Green skirt - must be around knee length
White blouse/polo shirt bearing the school logo
Grey trousers
White shirt/polo shirt bearing the school logo
Footwear for non-PE days
Plain black school shoes or plain black smart trainers with black laces and no flashy logos
Note: In summer girls may wear a green/white dress and both boys and girls may wear the polo shirt with the school logo.
Note: Large bags are not acceptable as they take up valuable space in cloakrooms and can be the cause of accidents.
Children do need a small bag to carry their reading books and pencil cases - Book bags may be purchased from the uniform shop on Bradford Rd, Batley and MyClothing, online uniform shop.
Coats and anoraks need a fairly strong loop. It might be a good idea to sew an elastic loop to the child's coat, this does ensure that coats stay on pegs when not in use.
It is absolutely essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child's name as this can save you and us hours of fruitless searching. Clothing MUST go home every day so the cloakroom is empty for cleaning.
Pupils are to come to school in their PE kit (this must be school PE uniform only)on PE days
Boys and Girls
White polo shirt or white PE T-shirt
Green PE shorts / Plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black full length leggings with no sports logos when the weather is cold
(Girls are NOT allowed to wear cycling shorts - green PE shorts only)
School green sweatshirt with logo or a School green hoodie with logo
Black pumps/plimsolls (To be brought to school on PE days and not left in the cloakroom)
Trainers can be worn on PE days (Black if worn other days instead of black school shoes)